I am sure that you will appreciate that in order to ensure both your safety and mine, that new precautions have been introduced after considerable amount of research and expense. With effect from Monday 3rd August, the Thai Massage Room & Spa will reopen but with the following necessary hygiene changes in line with the full Risk Assessment that has been undertaken.
- Only one person will be allowed inside at any one time
- Please wait outside until your therapist calls you in
- A hand sanitiser is available for use as you enter and leave
- All high traffic areas will be thoroughly disinfected before and after each client.
- There will be a period of one hour between appointments to allow for changing PPE and hygiene treatment.
- Clients will be restricted to the entrance foyer and treatment room
- The Office and toilet are not available for public use
- Facial treatments will not be available at this time
- The therapist will wear PPE throughout your treatment
- You must arrive wearing a facemask and this must be worn throughout.
- Other than the massage equipment, all soft furnishings have been removed to allow for thorough cleaning after each client
- A sealed bag containing clean blankets and towels will be opened on your arrival by the therapist for use during your treatment
- All bedding will be for sole use and will be removed after use for laundry.
- All clients will be required to complete a health screening questionnaire
- Clients will be offered bottled water after their treatment
- If you are experiencing and Covid related symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has, please cancel your appointment.
- Payment for your treatment should be made by card
Despite these necessary changes, please enjoy your visit!